Summer Hours
We are pleased to announce a new summer compressed workweek option for most of the members of our staff beginning June 1 through August 16, 2024. This new option is designed to enhance flexibility and promote work-life balance during the summer months.
The new summer compressed workweek option involves:
1. Four-Day Work Week: Employees have the option to select a four-day work week, with one consistent day off each week. While planning, please be aware that flexibility may be necessary to address departmental needs and staff coverage requirements.
2. Work Hour Adjustments:
- Employees with 40-hour schedules may work four (4) 10-hour days
- Employees with 37.5-hour schedules may work four (4) 9.5-hour days, including 45-minute lunches
- Employees with 35-hour schedules may work four (4) 8.75-hour days
- For employees with less than full-time schedules, adjustments may be made based on total weekly hours
3. Supervisor Approval: If you prefer a four-day summer schedule, employees must request and receive approval from their supervisors before changing work schedule.
4. Modified Department Schedules: Departments should maintain staffing coverage Monday through Friday and should plan accordingly when considering requests for four-day schedules. Adjustments to schedules should not result in overtime.
5. Exclusions: The summer compressed workweek option does not apply to Clark University Police Association or Facilities Management personnel as both have other options for managing work schedules.
6. University Holidays: Clark University will be closed on the following holidays during the summer compressed work week period:
- Juneteenth: Wednesday, June 19, 2024
- Independence Day: Monday, July 4 and Tuesday, July 5, 2024
Thank you for your continued commitment and dedication to Clark University. We hope you have a wonderful summer!
Office of Human Resources and Organizational Excellence
Geography Building
3rd Floor
950 Main Street
Worcester MA 01610
1-508-793-7294 Human Resources
1-508-793-7438 Payroll
1-508-793-8809 Fax
For Employment Verifications please email